11/1, Street No 1, Shastri Nagar, Haridwar Road, Dehradun

What does ANRC offers?

Ananda Hospital

ANRC is a highly specialized rehabilitation service for neurological disorders of all ages. We will only consider to accept a patient in our service, after acute phase of illness is over and patient is stable. Although our primary focus is on neurological diseases, we are fully equipped to provide rehabilitation for all diseases including musculoskeletal disorders, bone and joint diseases, respiratory diseases, balance problems etc. We have a state of art facility with latest equipment, including computerized machines for balance management. Our staff is well trained in using these machines and rehabilitating patients with such illnesses.

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Our Services

To rehabilitate patients accepted by our service, we provide five types of facilities:

Rehabilitation Center

Rehabilitation Center

ANRC has a spacious and well-appointed rehabilitation center. On our first contact with a patient, there will be a full medical and rehabilitation assessment by our team.We will take all medical, psychological and social factors into considerations and assess the needs of the patient. Following this our team will decide whether we can help the patient or not.Upon accepting a patient in our service, goals of treatment will be developed and agreed with patient/ patient’s carer. For each patient, we will provide a timebound intensive rehabilitation programme and patient’s progress will be discussed regularly with patient/ their carer.

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For the patients, who require daily input from specialists of our team, depending on their physical and psychological needs, we can offer accommodation available on site. We only have limited number of rooms available for this. Rehabilitation team of ANRC will decide and accommodate only suitable patients to this facility. Our aim for such patients will be to optimizetheir recovery, to educate them and carer and to prepare them to return and manage at their home. We will offer a timebound, structuredresidential rehabilitation programme and will expect carer to stay with patient and participate fully in their day to day care.

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Home Care Plan

Home Care Plan

Since itis not possible to provide full range of treatment facilities at home, we would want our patients to be treated at our center. However,due to physical or Psycho-social reasons, some patient may not suitable for our residential facility and may also not be able to travel to our center. For these reasons, as a part of our center based intense rehabilitation programme and for post- discharge maintenance from our residential facility, we can offer a Home Care plan through our “Outreach team”. Depending on the need of the patient, 1 or 2 members of team can visit patient at their home.

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Family Support

Family Support

We fully appreciate the impact of neurological devastating illnesses on patient and their families. Because of the illnesses of their loved ones, family members feel helpless and alone in coping. They struggle at home, are not able to get right advice about home adaptations and are emotionally vulnerable. There is likely to be a considerable amount of anxiety for patient, care- giver and family. This could affect overall health of patient and family. These problems are likely to be worse once patient is discharged from our services.

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 Screening for Prevention for Stroke

Screening for Prevention for Stroke

World-wide, stroke is a major cause of mortality and morbidity.Amongst the neurological disorders, this is largest cause of disability due to non- accidental illnesses.Stroke is largely preventable. The risk factors for stroke are more or less same as for heart diseases(Ischemic Heart Disease). These risk factors are on rise and affect Indians at younger age than westerners.Hence, recognizing these risk factors and addressing them is important for prevention of stroke amongstrelatively healthy persons. This alsohelps in preventing recurrence of vascular events ina person who already had a stroke.

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Commonly Treated Conditions Through Neuro-Rehabilitation

"Meeting the challenges of an ever-changing healthcare environment. " - Dr. Sushil Kumar Bansal