Family Support

We fully appreciate the impact of neurological devastating illnesses on patient and their families. Because of the illnesses of their loved ones, family members feel helpless and alone in coping. They struggle at home, are not able to get right advice about home adaptations and are emotionally vulnerable. There is likely to be a considerable amount of anxiety for patient, care- giver and family. This could affect overall health of patient and family. These problems are likely to be worse once patient is discharged from our services.
For this reason, it is important to support patient’s family. Our ethos is to have a “Family centered approach, putting the patient first”.With this in mind, we provide following services.
Once the patient has achieved maximum potential with our rehabilitation programme, our team can visit their home to assess requirements of the patient, their carers and family. We can advise necessary adaptations required in the house and also support families in procuring necessary equipment for these adaptations.
Once we have reasonable cased load, we will facilitate formation of “support group”. This self- help group will be run by carers/ families/ volunteers themselves with the purpose of supporting each other. There is plenty of evidence from western studies, that these activities help in reducing anxiety, promoting well- being and allows patient and family to adjust in community environment better. These groups could also an educational platform and interactive place with professionals.