Home Care Plan

Since it is not possible to provide full range of treatment facilities at home, we would want our patients to be treated at our center. However,due to physical or Psycho-social reasons, some patient may not suitable for our residential facility and also may not be able to travel to our center. For these reasons, as a part of our center based intense rehabilitation programme and for post- discharge maintenance from our residential facility, we can offer a Home Care plan through our “Outreach team”. Depending on the need of the patient, 1 or 2 members of team can visit patient at their home. However, for the new patient’s request for this service, before accepting a patient for this, the first multi- disciplinary assessment of the patient will be carried out at our rehabilitation centre.
Following this the frequency of visits will be planned. We will get regular feedback from our outreach team about patient’s progress. After a reasonable time, to plan further course of action, we will review patient’s recovery ourselves at our rehabilitation centre.