11/1, Street No 1, Shastri Nagar, Haridwar Road, Dehradun

Rehabilitation Center

ANRC has a spacious and well-appointed rehabilitation center. On our first contact with a patient, there will be a full medical and rehabilitation assessment by our team.We will take all medical, psychological and social factors into considerations and assess the needs of the patient. Following this our team will decide whether we can help the patient or not.Upon accepting a patient in our service, goals of treatment will be developed and agreed with patient/ patient’s carer. For each patient, we will provide a timebound intensive rehabilitation programme and patient’s progress will be discussed regularly with patient/ their carer. Once optimum benefit has been delivered by our service, a regular maintenance programme for the patient can be delivered through our center.


We recognize that it may not be possible for every patient to travel to our rehabilitation center on regular bases. For such patients, we are in process of setting up a dedicated ambulance transport to travel to our center. In addition, as a part of rehabilitation programme, we can also provide a “Residential Rehabilitation” and “Home Care Plan” for a patient by our Outreach Team.